Category Archives: Updates

Ralph Lauren’s $2000 Jeans, The Preppy Pup, That Dirty Shirley Fabric

Hello-Hello, it is one gorgeous morning here at The Prepatorium, bright, beautiful, and still very snowy. Sigh.  We do hope those enjoying the day off yesterday were able to revel in some relaxation and savor their time away from the daily hum-drum.

We should call this post “Tidbit Tuesday,” as we have many little updates, but no overarching theme (another classic example of our poor planning and). We begin with Ralph Lauren’s move into the luxury denim market, Women’s Wear Daily broke the story:

“The designer has introduced a luxury denim line, Ralph Lauren Collection Denim, that aims to reinvent the American classic by giving it a more luxurious twist than ever before. And he’s doing tops, blouses and shearling outerwear to go with it.”

Below, several images from the upcoming line.

PHOTOS: John Aquino/Women

Marc Karimzadeh’s story explains there will be more than denim in the new collection.

PHOTOS: John Aquino/Women's Wear Daily

A number of the styles are more than attractive.

PHOTOS: PHOTOS: John Aquino/Women's Wear Daily

While others hold absolutely no appeal.

PHOTOS: PHOTOS: John Aquino/Women's Wear Daily

One item we shouldn’t overlook – price points for the new line, for that information we head back to WWD’s story.

“The collection will hit stores in July and will carry a suggested retail price tag from about $300 to $2,000.”



Next, we bring you an update on That. Perfume.

Courtesy Coty

People magazine did a brief story last month about the primary “face” of the ad campaign, “Hollywood Royalty Zoe Kravitz on Being a Preppy Princess,” she is seen wearing the tiara in the advertisement shown above. From the People story:

“The self-professed flea market shopper is, however, just as familiar with classic preppy style, having spent some time going to school on New York City’s tony Upper East Side.”

It makes sense to use Ms. Kravitz for this campaign, as she was the primary face used back when the original Princess scent was released. At any rate, our primary reason for sharing this is because we continue to receive inquiries about the perfume: do we, or shall we be selling the perfume? No, and no.


The dreary weather has made us yearn even more for a glimpse of spring’s bright colors and vibrant hues.


No, we aren’t resorting to Rorschach Test images, that is a look from the advertising campaign for Givenchy’s upcoming cosmetics collection, Acid Summer. And while not something we are likely to indulge in, we do appreciate the saturated colors of the advertising images.



We have a brief update on the upcoming Lilly Pulitzer for Lee Jofa fabrics line, one image from the line has slipped out here on the interwebs. (Oh my.)

Via Matters of Style Marketplace

Some Lilly lovers may recognize the “Dirty Shirley” pattern, definitely today’s Pretty in Pink. The piece is actually for sale at Matters of Style Marketplace, sister site to one our favorite blogs, the always-stellar Matters of Style.  (Well worth a visit today, as this morning’s post is all about nautical style.)


We have previously featured these, but seeing the photos again in AOL’s Paw Nation made us want to do it again.

RoverDog via PawNation

The coats are created by the talented folks at Rover Dog, and Jaime Derringer profiled the company in a delightful post, “The Rise of the Preppy Pup“.

“No, this isn’t an outtake from the latest J.Crew catalog photo shoot. Preppy pups are in. It’s the newest trend, and leading the pack is the self-proclaimed “J.Crew of the dog world,” Rover.”

If more interested in madras or seersucker for your four-legged family member, here are two possibilities.

RoverDog on etsy

While we don’t dress Tilly (because she’s too tubby, she would need a triple-XL!), we know some friends do enjoy the practice, so we are always on the lookout for items capable of making the appropriate style statement.

With that, we say adieu until next time!


Filed under preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy lifestyle, Pretty in Pink, Updates

“The Importance of Being Preppy”


Today we have a mish-mash (a highly technical journalistic term) of tidbits, many relating to topics recently chatted about in this space. The first is a story from our friends on the far side of the pond, “The Importance of Being Preppy“. The piece first ran in Saturday’s Guardian and has been picking up traction online, it profiles Tommy Hilfiger while also looking at the style many refer to as “preppy.”

Tim Know for The Guardian (UK)

Writer Hadley Freeman begins her story with a description of Mr. Hilfiger’s office.

“Even the designer’s office is American to a nigh-on parodic degree: on the top floor of an unassuming building in midtown Manhattan, Hilfiger has tricked the place out to resemble the inside of a chi-chi beach house, replete with white painted floorboards, beach chairs, antique mirrors and striped awnings, where waiters in white buttoned-up shirts tote around goblets of ice water with slivers of lemon.”

Some readers might already be speculating the story is pegged to the recent announcement from Mr. Hilfiger of Prep World, a capsule collection he is launching with True Prep author Lisa Birnbach; such speculation would be accurate. (For our tedious in-depth post on the topic and photos from the line, click here.)

Courtesy Image via Daily Front Row

Back to the story and Ms. Freeman’s description of the preppy aesthetic, it may surprise some readers.

“It is also, incidentally, a look that denotes wealth, or at least aspiration to it. Its nearest equivalent in Britain is the Sloane, but preppiness has less to do with old systems of class and more to do with new money.”

We suggest this might be surprising because of the general presumption that “preppy style” is attached to old money, not new. You know, back in the olden days when such things were not discussed?  (To be candid, any discussion of finances, be they rooted in relatives who floated over on the Mayflower or as new as this year’s hottest hedge fund, is vulgar and really not appropriate, we generally avoid the topic if at all possible.) Back to the Guardian story.

“…in lieu of having a centuries-old class system, America has a profound fascination with money. Along with Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren has long loved the preppy look, and many others – from up-and-coming designer Tory Burch to US high-street outlet J Crew – base their entire labels on the look. Hilfiger suggests its popularity now is a reaction to the global recession. After all, he says with a merry laugh, it’s a way of looking “not poor”.

The story’s timing also relates to Fashion Week, starting this evening; Mr. Hilfiger has been heavily promoting his runway shows via the company’s Facebook pages.

Via Facebook

Ms. Freeman’s story also offers detailed background on the brand:

“By the beginning of the 21st century, the Hilfiger brand had lost much of its fashion lustre, due to overdistribution and an overfondness of branding. “There was a bit of a backlash,” Hilfiger concedes with understatement.”

Understatement indeed.  Without commencing a yawn-inducing retrospective, we shall only say that we have long struggled with Mr. Hilfiger’s penchant for logos the size of canned hams.  Or bigger.  The designer’s recent move toward designs without his initials splattered everywhere is promising; we are intrigued to see the fall runway looks as well as the Prep World pieces.

Mr. Hilfiger is no stranger to the UK’s fashion faithful, during last fall’s London Fashion Week he appeared in a “My Week in Pictures” feature for the Guardian’s sister publication, The Observer.

Dimitrios Kambouris/WireImage via The Guardian

Above, a photo from the feature shows the designer and his wife Dee with Jennifer Lopez.


Next, another story looks at the style, this one from The Cavalier Daily, UVA’s student newspaper. “Through pink-and green-colored glasses” provides a student’s view on “U.Va.’s preppy identity in popular culture”.  A snippet from the story by Caroline Massie:

“So where exactly does this reputation stem from? One may look to the year 1979 when alumnus Tom Shadyac (College, 1981) created the “Are you a preppie?” poster as a fundraiser for his fraternity, Sigma Chi, which needed money to pay off a debt.”

Mod Culture

“Shadyac said preppy attire was not unique to U.Va. at the time. Rather, it was prevalent among traditional East Coast colleges.

“Pink and green could’ve been our national colors,” he said.

To read Ms. Massie’s entire story, click here.


One item that would have better fit in yesterday’s post with all of its bridal buzz, word that Isaac Mizrahi is doing a limited bridal line for Aisle New York, the online members-only (ahem) site offering flash sales of discounted gowns and accessories.

Courtesy Image via WWD

Here is more from Mr. Mizrahi’s site:

“Isaac’s capsule collection of gowns and accessories will be available for six months, launching at the end of February 2011. According to Isaac, “the best place to shop for your wedding gown is the privacy of your own computer.” Hooray for all you blushing brides!”

(If in need of an invite, just click here.)


The other mention that would have been much more appropriate yesterday, a look at House Beautiful’s March issue, the cover highlights the upcoming Lilly Pulitzer Furniture line in a feature titled “The Power of Pink”.

House Beautiful via Lilly Pulitzer blog

For those who haven’t yet seen the issue the Lilly blog offers a look at the story, while the House Beautiful website carries a number of wonderful pink tie-ins, including a delightful look at “Pink in Unusual Places” from The Accessorator, Judi Roaman.  Below, Ms. Roaman’s picture of the pink roses sculpture on Park Avenue.

Judi Roaman/The Accessorator via House Beautiful

Pop over and visit the Lilly blog for more, or click here for our post on the furniture line.


Our final two images are quasi-timely, the first involves a new movie and the other, Fashion Week.

Alberto E. Rodriguez for Paramount Pictures

Above, Justin Bieber last night as he arrives at the premiere of “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” in Los Angeles.   Next, Anna Wintour arriving for the Armani couture show in Paris last month.

Jacky Naegelen/Reuters

Why haul out the pictures? Because we just had to do a little side-by-side comparison.

And Young Mister Bieber.

Not bad at all IOHO, the finger puppets are from Mullish Muse on etsy, we thought they were cute as could be and couldn’t resist sharing.

On that wacky note we say goodbye until next time.



Filed under Collaborations, Logos, preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy lifestyle, True Prep & TOPH, Updates

Ann Taylor Spring, Dior Couture, That Kate Middleton Nail Polish

Hello-Hello, welcome to a new week! There is just all manner of fun and frolicking to deal with, unfortunately we have to make this one of those goofy Mon-uesday posts, we are crazy busy.

We can’t say that spring has sprung (for it most assuredly has not), but at least we can gaze upon more images of spring clothing and accessories.  We begin with these photos of the spring/summer Ann Taylor line via Women’s Wear Daily.

John Aquino/WWD

The colors are bright.

John Aquino/WWD

From David Moin’s review of the collection in WWD:

“Another surprising combination features a very feminine embroidered pencil skirt paired with a long silk tunic top. Ann Taylor also showed a black jumpsuit that seemed a little daring for the collection, though Axelson noted it would be sold only in urban locations.”

John Aquino/WWD

Next, Gap has also released images of its spring campaign.


The emphasis remains on basic pieces.


Frequent readers won’t be surprised to hear us say that we won’t shed any tears if some of the ruffles and daytime sequins disappear. (Cratchety old lady.) The retailer continues to show strength in denim.


Because the Brooks Brothers spring/summer collections offer such promise for the tiny preps at your palace, we have a few more photos from that group.

Brooks Brothers

We couldn’t resist sharing some of these with Nautical by Nature, as there is definitely a seagoing influence seen in many of the pieces.

The anchor motif is also present in the young men’s spring collection.

We like these.


Because we do make rather pathetic efforts at staying on top of certain royal wedding goings-on, a few updates:

Via Getty Images

“Kate Middleton has quit her job at her parents’ online party supplies business to throw herself full time into planning her wedding.”

  • And then there is today’s You Can’t Make This Stuff Up entrant, the “No More Waity Katie” nail polish from Butter London.
Butter London via People



Once again it is time for the Paris Couture shows and their accompanying eye candy; John Galliano lit things up today at Dior with a number of ‘red hot’ styles.

Yannis Vlamos/GoRunway via Vogue UK

There were also cotton candy colors.

Yannis Vlamos/GoRunway via Vogue UK

As always with the House of Dior, textiles and details were extraordinary.

Gianni Pucci/ via Vogue UK

The silhouettes were simply stunning, many reminiscent of Dior’s “New Look” from the 1940s, perfect for Betty Draper’s first season of Mad Men.




Recognizing and respecting this may be a mournful Monday for some football fans we move to our final topic, an issue without any partisan baggage. It started with a Facebook conversation started by a dear friend.

Courtesy The Chip-Muh

Ensuing comments included the following exchanges:

Courtesy Chip-Muh & The Consort

Naturally this followed:

Courtesy Chip-Muh and The Princess

It all leaves us with a question for our friends speaking Texan and other dialects: what phrases would you include for translation in this version of Rosetta Stone?

With a giggle, we say g’bye until next time!


Filed under nautical, preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy lifestyle, Updates, You Can't Make This Stuff Up

The Nation’s Preppiest Writers, True Prep Updates, Fashion Notes

Hello-Hello, and welcome to another day of wackiness here at the Prepatorium.

We begin with a glance at “Our Generation’s Preppiest Writers,” at least as listed by Flavorwire. The list includes several names our treasured readers will recognize, like Curtis Sittenfeld, author of Prep, and American Wife.

Sloane Crosley (I Was Told There’d Be Cake) is included.

Also on the list, Jonathan Dee, perhaps best known for The Privileges, a book we just never seem to get to, it remains near the top of our list.

Several selections make perfect sense, while others are conspicuous by their absence, we would think that the list might include Tad Friend (Cheerful Money), Bill Buckley, Hobson Brown, Lisa Birnbach, unless the latter three are not considered of this generation….?

At any rate, this brings us to our True Prep updates. With the book officially on sale for a full two weeks now, there are scads more reviews and news stories, and party pix seem to be popping up everywhere. We shall invoke the ‘brevity is a virtue’ sentiment, sharing some of these as quickly as possible.

We start with a picture from the Georgetown Vineyard Vines stop on the book tour, our friend Wendy still has her Preppy Bear from the 1980s!

Via True Prep Facebook site

A better look at Wendy’s bear, we are mortified to admit we definitely remember when these were introduced!

Via Wendy

“…this slim novelty “guidebook” is supposed to be the tongue-in-cheek update for our texting times. Unfortunately, it offers few laughs or insight into prepdom today, nor does it make a case for why anyone — even Muffy — would care.”

That seems a bit stern, we thought there were smirks and giggles aplenty in the book, yet must also acknowledge that for some the book is a disappointment. A follow-up simply cannot recreate the impact of the Original (TOPH), and while much is lighthearted and humorous, there are also moments of awkwardness. We are enjoying the divergent reactions to the book, but also worry about those uncomfortable sharing criticism of the new book, for it is the healthy debate on the topic that we relish.

“True Prep” is frivolous, but comprehensively, amusingly and intelligently so. All too few books fit that description. Like its predecessor, this is a fond and inventive satire for the ages.”

  • In a story many readers have already heard about, NPR poses the question: “Did Sleaze Bring Preppy Back?” Simon Doonan, Barney’s fashion pooh-bah (among many responsibilities and skills Mr. Doonan has), is asked about the trend; his response follows.

“I think there’s a renewed interest in preppy. And I think it’s probably a function of how slutty and trashy everything got in the last few years, like the “Real Housewives of Orange County” or the “Jersey Shore.” There’s this super porno chic that sort of dominated much of pop culture. And it’s natural that there’s this sort of conservative reaction to that and that people might rediscover the sort of simple WASP-y elegance of preppy style.”

Thank you Mr. Doonan, thank you.


Next, a couple of tidbits to share, including a Times story last week on British retailer Jack Wills.

“Most Americans have not heard of Jack Wills, but that is something the British sportswear retailer intends to change.”

Below, several ensembles from the retailer.

Labeled as a special report (we’re not sure why), Katie Wiseman’s story offers an introduction to the brand.

“For autumn, Jack Wills is stocking women’s wear like tweed riding jackets starting at $379, soft cotton Henley shirts and gathered skirts, while the men’s line ranges from flannel shirts starting at $69 to Fair Isle and fisherman sweaters. It also has home accessories, eyewear, fragrances and limited-edition items like an equestrian jacket selling at $449.”

The piece also inquires about the wisdom of any retailer expanding in These Difficult Times.  These may well be two of the items referenced above.

We first chatted about the US expansion here, back in April, noting the stores opening in Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, two über- prep locales.

The brand markets to a younger, more collegiate crowd; much of its merchandise has become logo-heavy, one could be forgiven if mistaking it for something by Abercrombie or Hollister, a comparison that riles company executives.

“There are the inevitable comparisons to Abercrombie & Fitch, something the Jack Wills executives loathe — and some industry experts dispute.

While definitely not a brand with a long and storied pedigree, Wills still offers some excellent pieces, although they are few and very far between.


There is speculation that one of our favorite brands, J. McLaughlin, may be for sale. In another story that was temporarily lost in the Fashion Week shuffle, WWD reports about the company’s ongoing expansion… and perhaps more.

“Don’t be fooled by the laid-back, prepped-out, country club aura of the brand — J. McLaughlin is a business on the move.

“The McLaughlins’ elevated profile and pumped-up store program is raising speculation about selling the business or seeking outside investment to further the growth.”

Below, our favorite dress from the retailer (as of today, this changes frequently), and on the right, a cardigan we are fond of, the Seville.

The firm also introduced a limited edition line for the Tiny Prep at your palace this summer.

J. McLaughlin


We also have a look at this year’s Ryder Cup uniforms for Team USA. (Disregard the red arrows, an editing error on our part.)


The Saturday look is seen above left; the charcoal gray on the right is for Sunday’s matches.  A snippet of reaction to the styles from

“… we are not sure how well these clothes work on, say, a Dustin Johnson. Preppy crests and soul patches are not a natural match. It will also be interesting to see how shaggy-haired Ricky Fowler, a motocross enthusiast when he is not on the links, looks in a purple Perry Como cardigan and dark pinstripe trousers. These clothes are a bit fuddy-duddy for him.”

The Opening Ceremony uniform is more formal, while the rain jackets look standard issue.

The uniforms are by Peter Millar, an upscale firm specializing in golf apparel and accessories. The Cup gets underway October 1 in Wales.


We leave you with news from the folks at Oxford University Press, publishers of the Oxford Dictionary, among other things. Are you ready for new additions to the Dictionary?

BFF n. (pl. BFFs) informal a girl’s best friend: my BFF’s boyfriend is cheating on her.
– ORIGIN 1996: from the initial letters of best friend forever.

TTYL abbr. informal talk to you later: Anyway, gotta run now! TTYL.

unfriend v. [with obj.] informal remove (someone) from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking site: she broke up with her boyfriend, but she hasn’t unfriended him.

The OUP Blog also lists the many new phrases added to the list, here is a sampling.

my bad informal used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake: Sorry about the confusion. It’s my bad.

the new black a color that is currently so popular that it rivals the traditional status of black as the most reliably fashionable color: brown is the new black this season.

Finally, we have the new meanings for old words; a few favorites:

channel emulate or seem to be inspired by: Meg Ryan plays Avery as if she’s channeling Nicole Kidman.
cougar informal an older woman seeking a sexual relationship with a younger man.

friend noun – a contact associated with a social networking website.
verb – add (someone) to a list of contacts associated with a social networking website.

hate (hate on) informal express strong dislike for; criticize or abuse: I can’t hate on them for trying something new.

– a posting made on the social networking site Twitter: he started posting ‘tweets’ via his cell phone to let his parents know he was safe.
– make a posting on the social networking site Twitter.

Please don’t hate on us for feeling the need to occasionally Tweet and share things on our Facebook page, we do hope you will friend us. (Dopey Princess.)

Until next time, may your day be splendid!


Filed under Logos, preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy lifestyle, True Prep & TOPH, Updates

Ralph Lauren Runway Show, Brooks Brothers Home Collection Update

Hello-Hello, we must say we are grateful for a Friday. The prospect of a slightly more sane weekend (there is no delusion so persuasive as self-delusion, is there?) holds substantial appeal.

New York Fashion Week wrapped up yesterday, now everyone heads across the pond for London Fashion Week (Burberry anyone?), those shows are already underway.

Today we peruse the Ralph Lauren spring 2011 collection. Below, the first two looks down the runway.

We are feeling more-than-a-little out of step with most reviews of the collection.

A sampling of those reviews:

  • WWD: “…Ralph Lauren showed one of his best women’s collections in memory.”
  • Eric Wilson at the Times: “…the Western motif is really where Mr. Lauren shines. You know it’s going to be a pleasing Ralph Lauren collection when the designer himself is wearing leather pants the color of a fine chestnut filly.”
  • “His latest take on cowgirl couture happens to be right in line with some of New York’s big trends.”

You can guess where this is headed.

The fringe and lace just aren’t working.

To avoid misunderstanding, in our utterly uneducated opinion we think the collection is brilliant, in both concept and execution. The issue isn’t Mr. Lauren’s design skills, it’s just that the theme for next spring’s RTW (ready to wear) isn’t one we are fond of here at the Prepatorium.

Western wear looks smashing on many women, and we sported styles with a wee bit of this influence during our seventeen years in Colorado. We still love our basic Frye boots. But faded fabrics, ruffles and fringe are not styles we generally embrace.

These will be stunning on many, hello, Miss Vogue on the Range…?

If anyone has interest in watching the entire show, it is available online at the Ralph Lauren Facebook page.

Ralph Lauren


We have a brief update on the Brooks Brothers Home Collection; pieces from the new line could be spotted amid the spring 2011 apparel and accessories shown at Monday’s Fashion Week presentation (discussed at length in this post). Below, several pillows in seersucker can be seen in this image from the WWD (Women’s Wear Daily) story.

Robert Mitra/WWD

The company posted this photo on its Facebook page, the lampshades and pillow are done in Brooks Brothers repp tie stripes.

Brooks Brothers

The WWD story notes the line will only be available online.

“Bedding will be available in three color combinations: blue and white, solid white and herringbone white with navy and burgundy trim. Towels are being offered in eight colors. The home line, which includes pillows and lamp shades in rep tie fabric, will launch next month.”

The Journal’s Heard on the Runway blog originally had the story on the new collection; this image accompanied that story.

Courtesy Image via WSJ

Below, a grey flannel lamp shade is seen in this photo taken by Christian over at Ivy Style.

Via Ivy Style

Much as we like the idea of a super-soft flannel pillow, we struggle envisioning a lampshade in this material, despite Christian’s photo. Some parts of the collection launch late this fall, with the entire group available in the spring.


A brief item of note:

J. Crew

The J. Crew online outlet opened this morning, the offerings do appear to be pieces made specifically for Crew’s Factory Outlet stores.  The smattering of comments thus far on our Facebook page, where we posted similar information, indicates a lukewarm reception to the ‘outlet’.


Our final tidbit involves Don Draper Jon Hamm, the actor announced last night he is guest-hosting Saturday Night Live for a third time. Below we see Mr. Hamm in his “The Town” role, that film opens tonight.

Via Movie Cultists

May everyone have an outstanding weekend!


  • Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty
  • Robert Mitra & John Aquino/Women’s Wear Daily


Filed under preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy lifestyle, Updates