Tag Archives: Bruno Magli

Brooks Brothers Sells This? Also, New Nautical Accessories


We begin with thanks to all who have offered suggestions in response to yesterday’s post about a fellow blogger’s Bridal Fashion crisis.  It appears things are looking up and we may be able to avert a wedding tragedy! But now is no time to let up — do pop over to yesterday’s post if you missed it and share your thoughts!

Here is a quick sampling of a few suggestions Miss Daisy has received.

The Balvano by Bruno Magli is available at one of TP’s favorite haunts, Arthur Beren. (We are *so* incredibly old we even remember when there was just a catalog we received in the mail. You know, before the internet.)

Bruno Magli at BerenShoes.com

Bruno Magli at ArthurBeren.com

And we can testify to the fact that every pair of Bruno’s we have ever worn have been oh-so-comfy, regardless of heel height.  Another suggestion that came in is the ‘modified D’Orsay pump‘ as seen at BridalShoes.com

Courtesy BridalShoes.com

Courtesy BridalShoes.com


Here at the Prepatorium we are curious about something, and hopeful one of our kind readers can give us some insight on this issue. (That issue comes after the photo.)

We are curious to know how long Brook Brothers been doing this sort of ‘accessory’ item?  The Tiered Lacquerware Box is located online in the Women’s Accessories category, under Lacquerware.  While TP loves her lacquerware along with the rest of society, an investment of $3500 seems a bit steep for something of this nature.

For those unaffected by the rare illness in the preppy blogger family known as LogoPhobia, this may be appealing.

Courtesy Brooks Brothers

Courtesy Brooks Brothers

The Brooks Brothers Crest Mug Set is $98.  But that is for a set. Of two mugs. (On the up side, they *are* dishwasher safe.) Readers know that we *do* have a fundamental understanding of branding and marketing, a basic comprehension of appealing to the “aspirational shopper,” the customer not able to purchase the Brooks Brothers suit but able to buy something like the mugs.  What we aren’t grasping is why anyone who has a spare $3500 would share the wealth with the good folks at Brooks (still one of our favorite brands) for what is essentially a set of boxes with the retailer’s logo on the front?

Now frankly, this next item has a cute factor. Not a purchase we would make for ourselves, but would definitely consider for several friends.

Courtesy Brooks Brothers

Courtesy Brooks Brothers

The Jolly Roadster Ornament by Christopher Radko is now only $31 for anyone interested in the cute little car.


In our never-ending effort to harass Nautical by Nature we share another item she may need to add to her collection. Below, from Williams-Sonoma Home we have the Sailboat & Anchor Outdoor Pillows.

Williams Sonoma Home

Williams Sonoma Home

Actually, Kate probably needs to gaze upon all of the wonderfulness that is the Adirondack Collection from WS Home.  We are fond of the Nantucket Map Canvas Pillow.

Williams Sonoma Home

Williams Sonoma Home

Naturally Third Coast Preppy comes to mind when we gaze upon this delightful Lobster Pillow.

Williams Sonoma Home

Williams Sonoma Home

Since we seem to be chatting about nautical items, it brings to mind the new Sailboat Napkin Rings we just ordered at market:

Coming soon to PreppyPrincess.com

Coming soon to PreppyPrincess.com

We were thinking they will go nicely with the Princess Anchors Aweigh Napkins.








We close with a Pretty in Pink for the little ones in your life, the pink seersucker South Shore shoe for toddlers/infants from Polo Ralph Lauren:

It is time to fly, too much to do, and nowhere near enough time! TP is scrambling!


Filed under Logos, nautical, preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, Pretty in Pink, Updates