Tag Archives: Olive Juice

If this is true, THE END really is near…

Hello and Happy-Back-to-the-Grind-Day! Frankly, we’re rather pleased to be back to our more boring, dull, staid rut standard routine… are you?

But we must interrupt our normal blogging. This could be it.  The End of the world as we know it.

Seriously. The End.

We aren’t speaking in code here dolls. It is a simple matter of properly interpreting the signs and signals sent to warn us of impending doom.  And today we were alerted with what can only be called the “Ultimate Alarm.”

What would cause such distress, prompting us to tell the Princess Consort we would be checking out immediately?  Why this headline:

Paris, Clooney are an item

Getty Images via Life & Style Magazine

PHOTOS: Getty Images via Life & Style Magazine

And then this one:

Paris Hilton’s Clooney love

The folks at Life & Style Weekly (?) are responsible for the initial rumor, which has spread like an airborne virus to every media outlet in the galaxy.  Here is a look at Paris with sister Nicky Hilton on New Year’s Eve:

Brendon Thorne/Getty

PHOTO: Brendon Thorne/Getty

If someone is able to assist TP in comprehending the pose assumed by Ms. Hilton, we are all ears. Really.

We are presuming this is sufficient warning that you are able to gather the kids, the pets, the household staff, and perhaps a few photographs before leaving for the next life.

There is only one way this might not be what it seems; there is every possibility someone tipped Paris to the fact we’re in the middle of TP’s “Pick the AntiPrep” voting and she simply can’t bear the thought of finishing second to Lindsay Lohan.

Here are more of your comments on the completely and totally non-scientific poll:

Preppy 101 thinks:

Anti-prep = Paris Hilton

Preppiest = {This is very hard} – Ralph Lauren

[others that I thought about – Anderson Cooper and Caroline Kennedy :-)]”

And the delightful Daisy at Legally Blonde Ambition offers these thoughts:

Preppiest…honestly….well I think Elizabeth Hasselback. You might not like her show or her politics (or you might like one or the other or perhaps both) but one must admit that both on-air and off she is awfully preppy. I think her style is rather adorable & she’s always appropriately clothed. And 2nd place goes to Suri Cruise. She is just always in her darling little dress, bob & patent leather shoes. Divine!

Anti-prep? Can we have a tie between Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and, ugh, Brad Pitt with the mustache? (Perhaps it isn’t anti-prep but it is fairly horrid.)”

So there you have it.  Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


On a far more delightful note, we promised to share the rest of the designer looks for Sasha and Malia Obama on Inauguration Day.  Our first two are from Reem Acra, long a Princess favorite.

Courtesy Reem Acra via WWD

Courtesy Reem Acra via WWD

Here is the second design:

Courtesy Reem Acra via WWD

Courtesy Reem Acra via WWD

Our only thought on these? While lush in appearance, pastel colors are generally not a first choice for either Michelle Obama or the girls.

Next, an Olive Juice design for Sasha Obama, who is seven years old.

Courtesy Olive Juice via WWD

Courtesy Olive Juice via WWD

And the sketch for ten-year-old Malia:

Courtesy Olive Juice

Courtesy Olive Juice

Both looks are sweet and certainly age-appropriate, but not as compelling as one might hope. This may be a function of the black and white sketches, making it difficult to discern subtleties of design and color.

We harken back to our original post with the Isaac Mizrahi sketch showing all three Obama ladies as it remains one of our favorite designs for the girls, as well as Mrs. Obama. We say this despite the neckline on Malia’s dress, really a bit outré for a young lady of that age.

Courtesy Isaac MIzrahi via WWD

Courtesy Isaac Mizrahi via WWD

BTW, it was “Back to School” for the Obama girls this morning as they headed off for their first day at their new school (Sidwell Friends), although they are at different campuses.  Judging by the draperies in the background we are are presuming this photo was taken at the family’s hotel (please don’t get us started on this topic again) in Washington.

Callie Shell (Obama Transition Office)

PHOTO: Callie Shell (Obama Transition Office)

For those interested in the details, we are told that Sasha carried a JanSport backpack in pink. Target carries this line, but they do not have the style carried/worn by the youngest Obama girl.  It appears to be pink and the snooze news release from the Obama Transition team described it this way:

“Sasha carried a Trans by JanSport pink, magenta and gray backpack and wore blue jeans and a brown jacket with a hood and her hair was pulled into two braids.”

Our choice for a cute backpack? If for a youngster, it has to be the Blue Whales at Preppy Princess

Preppy Princess


If looking for someone a little older, then the standard size Chocolate Polka Dots is always an excellent choice.



We leave you with a few Pretty in Pink items, the first available at one of the shops mentioned above, Olive Juice; this is the Skerry Rainboot by Tretorn:

Skerry by Tretorn at OliveJuiceKids.com

Skerry by Tretorn at OliveJuiceKids.com

The next two items are not at all preppy. TP Is well aware of this fact. Yet, yet we remain obsessed with their cute factor, which is off the charts and peaking in the red zone.  They are called Qees, and absolutely TDF, at least IOHO.

This one is name Pink Virus, and it is our favorite.



Probably because the shape of the head looks like a TV, reminding us (as well as The Princess Consort) of all those years working in teevee, feeling like our heads were to heavy to hold up for one more second.

Courtesy Qee/Facebook

Courtesy Qee/Facebook

Keeping in mind TP is the least cool and the most technologically challenged individual on the internet, you will be stunned and amazed to learn we discovered these on Facebook last night!  It is an application allowing you to send Qees to Facebook friends. (Monogram Chick – you are very hip and know all about Facebook, are you with me here? Are we saying this properly?)

We *do* realize we couldn’t be remotely close to the demo the Qees people are targeting, but what the heck, right? It is TP’s tiny step into another world and it is too fun.

On that happy thought, don’t forget to leave a comment telling us about your favorite AntiPrep personality of 2008!


Filed under Obama Fashion & Politics, Pretty in Pink, The AntiPrep