Great Preppy Giveaway Week 3, Inaugural Dress Update

We must acknowledge acting somewhat like a Pouty Princess over the seemingly never-ending debacle going on here:

Matthias Kulka/Corbis

Until we realized we get to give away some preppy goodies! It is time to announce the winner of the Great Preppy Princess Giveaway winner for Week 2…. (drum roll):


Whoo-hoo! Some may recall that our Thankful Thursday topic for last week’s giveaway was ‘one friend you are grateful for,” and Miss Lisa, founder and curator of VBMW4, shared this comment as her entry for the giveaway:

“I am thankful for my friend Julie who knows when to help me, when to advise me and when I need to listen. I am in awe of how she just knows how to act in every situation.” )

As the winner Lisa receives a treasure trove of goodies from the Preppy Princess, including a Boatman Geller Carrie & Tuck personal stationery station and a fab Madras Refill Set! (This is so fun!)

Now for Week 3, our comment topic is anything for which you are thankful. How easy is that? Just leave a quick comment on something, someone, someplace you are grateful for… and voilà! You are entered!  Wonder what you can win this week? Read on.

Week 3 Great Giveaway goodies include this Perfect Circle Apron….

Accompanied by the matching gloves; clearly one cannot risk a fashion disaster in their own kitchen.

Of course, if Cook is handling the duties, and you have no worries about keeping the splish-splash off your cocktail dress, then the Apron/Gloves Set always make the perfect gift for someone else.

Also for the lucky winner, the understated elegance of the Trey’s Stripes notecards. Naturally the Princess will personalize the set of 10 cards, per your wishes.

Don’t forget that if you mention the Great Giveaway on your blog or home page a Bonus Gift goes to anyone you choose! Because it wasn’t won this past week, we’ll roll over the Week 2 Bonus Prize Pack.

The Bonus Prize includes the Laguna Beach apron, along with one of our favorite books, Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Laguna Beach apron

So don’t forget… scroll down and make a quick comment!  “I am thankful for ______.”

Leave your comments before midnight next Wednesday, the 26th, and you are entered in the Giveaway.  And because sharing is caring, *do* think about mentioning the Giveaway on your blog, or your Facebook or MySpace page, whatever works for you (in a good, clean fun kind of way) so you can share the Bonus Prizes with someone near and dear.

Our first comment comes from Legally Heidi, here is part of what she shared:

“i’m thankful for my pal Liz. Her and i have had a rough friendship but we’ve always come out on top She’s the one friend i know i could call at 2am upset and she’d listen to me.”

Do let TP know if you have any questions…that is why we are here!


A quick update to our most recent post on the search for an appropriate prep school for Malia and Sasha Obama.  We reported that our intuition pointed to Maret being out of the mix, with the choice down to either Georgetown Day School or Sidwell Friends.  The Post (Washington) seems to confirm this:

“… school search appears to have narrowed… and the much-buzzed-about Maret School is apparently out of the running.”

Also, we promised to let you know what we discovered about Michelle Obama’s attire seen in the CBS 60 Minutes Interview:

Aaron Tomlinson/CBS News Handout/Reuters

Aaron Tomlinson/CBS News Handout/Reuters

As speculated, the pieces were by Maria Pinto, who seems to have achieved ‘Most Favored Nation’ status when it comes to the future First Lady’s fashion choices, IOHO.  According to the Trib:

“… wore the “Eme” top and “Rani” skirt in an iris color, designed by Chicago’s Maria Pinto. The ensemble is from Pinto’s spring collection, but rendered in tweed for Obama, a loyal Pinto client. The sleeveless element was retained from the original design.”

We continue to see sketches of possible inaugural ball gowns from varying designers; here is one from Tracey Reese, as seen in this story from the Detroit Free Press.  We simply love that look, the dress is absolutely beautiful.

Tracey Reese

Tracey Reese

BTW, today’s Times (NY) had an excellent story about price wars between online retailers and the  tactics they employ to move merchandise.  For example, we had no idea Zappos uses a sister site for its discounted and marked down products…did you? (If interested, it is  And 6pm does carry most, if not all, of the name brands Zappos stocks.

Also, Steve & Barry’s will be gone permanently.  After being bailed out of an earlier bankruptcy three months back, yesterday the company filed for liquidation in New York. We have no news yet on what will happen with Sarah Jessica Parker’s Bitten line of clothing, currently sold at the retailer.



Filed under Argyle, Obama Fashion & Politics, preppy, Preppy clothing & brands, Preppy Fashion, preppy stationery, Updates

34 responses to “Great Preppy Giveaway Week 3, Inaugural Dress Update

  1. I am thankful for all the smiles and laughter my Peanut provides me!

  2. Preppy 101

    I am thankful for my children who support and love me unconditionally; also my fave aunt who is my confidante above all confidantes!!

    I’ll post about your giveaway!!

  3. I am thankful for my wonderful husband, family, friends and sweet Shar-Pei, Gilligan!

  4. I am thankful for having my job. In times of such economic uncertainty and living paycheck to paycheck, I definitely am glad to still be working!

    Blogged about you here:

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  5. I am thankful that my 87 year old grandmother is still alive and kicking and that I get to see her in January.

  6. Thank you so much for your comment! I posted your great giveaway on my blog! Hope that you have a great weekend as well!

  7. I’m not gonna lie to you, Princess…..

    I am thankful for my vino every evening.

    I love, love, love this giveaway!!!!!!! You have no idea how much I’ve been craving a new apron!! I’m hoping and praying I win!

  8. enc

    Those aprons are top-drawer. Please excuse that tired old pun.

  9. I am thankful for the times that my boys come up to me and hug me and either tell me or show me they love me. So, so thankful for that…

  10. I am sooo thankful for my family. They are my rocks. My wobbly little box of rocks. They may not be perfect, but they are mine. Without them, I feel I may have been lost. So I am thankful to them for being there for me, always.

  11. I am thankful for having a good job in today’s tough economy, I’m thankful for BISMOW always being there, and I’m thankful for my family and friends. Cliche maybe….but they are a wonderful support system.

  12. Maureen

    I am thankful for a wonderful family and a husband I love beyond words. I am thankful that both my sister and I have met an illness head on and so far have over come them.

  13. Bboss

    I am thankful for my very wonderfull family and their continuing good health as well as my own.

  14. Congrats to the lucky winner!! So nice of you TP to offer these lovely contests.

    I am very thankful for my darling He-weasel. I am a lucky weasel.:-)

  15. Oooohh yet another fantastic giveaway! I am thankful for a wonderful home, and cozy fireplace by which to sit and read a book. I’m also thankful that Cheffie comes home from the east coast tonight!

  16. I’m thankful for my amazing husbanf and great family….I am not thankful for no more BITTEN by SJP

  17. I am thankful for fun blog friends! I’ve been a blogger for over a year, but just recently starting reading blogs of people I don’t know. How fun it has been to “meet” other girls close to my age who are going through similar challenges and blessings!

  18. I am thankful for a wonderful husband, 2 beautiful boys, and amazing family and friends.

  19. Yay!! Oh wow–I am so thankful to be the winner last week 🙂

    I cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am for well everything. I am so blessed to be married to a true glass is half full man–even when things look bad, he has taught me to look at the bright side and keep a cheery attitude. Soooo I am thankful for my ever joyful husband 🙂

  20. I’m thankful for my wonderful husband who brings such joy to my life.

    Another super giveaway – thanks! I’ve added a link to my blog too!

  21. TCP

    Oh, PP, I was trying to resist the contests since I’ve won a few recently, but this is just too cute to pass up! I’m thankful for my boys, all 3…well, two and a half… of them!!

  22. Alyssa

    I’m thankful for my family–my sisters, my parents, my kids–but most of all for my husband. He’s thoughtful and generous and funny and if I squint a little, he looks like Cary Grant.

  23. Beth K

    After a long awaited clean report from a doctor i was dreading seeing this past week, i am very thankful for my health … and the puppy we’re getting in January, 2009 looks to be a great year and i’m extremely grateful!

  24. I had never heard of the Zappos sister site. Thanks for the tip!

  25. Oh MY Goodness Princess!! This is soo adorable. I am thankful for … my blogging friends who have given me a positive place to distract me from bad days
    My sweet husband who is patient and kind
    My rewarding job
    My strong and loving family…
    and of course for sales at the holiday xo

  26. Exciting giveaway!!! I am thankful for the Lipstick family and of course, your blog. 😉

  27. I am thankful for my little girls, both were born after I turned 40 and both are happy, healthy, smart and cute. I am thankful their dad stays home to care for them so I can go off to work without worrying they’re in good hands. I’m also thankful I found Preppy Princess and heard about Zappo’s sister site for the first time. Thank you!

  28. Not sure if I am eligible for the give away b/c I’m in Canada, but I am so thankful for my amazing family lately. My three kids are just fantastic and my hubby is the perfect dad and a wonderful person to whom to be married.

    I am also thankful for Spanx, keeping this mom of three lookin’ good and her muffin-top in check!!! 🙂

  29. Christine

    I’m thankul for the last 3.5 months I’ve spent living in France…but I will be even more thankful to come home to everyone I love in a few weeks!

  30. Lori H.

    I’m thankful for my husband and for a God who knows what we are going to do when my husband looses his job at the end of December. I am thankful for 5 kids who are trying to understand Christmas just won’t be what it usually is. I’m thankful that I am somehow resting in God and not freaking out about all of this. I’m thankful for God’s grace and His sovereignty and that He is not surprised by any of this!

  31. I’m grateful for my kids’ arrival from near and far – and for their love of our family holiday traditions.

    If I hadn’t made a big deal out of holidays all these years, I’m sure my daughter wouldn’t make the 2.5 hour flight for every Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas! The boys are just a 2 hour drive…but I appreciate the chance to have another happy holiday together.

  32. KK

    I think I am too late for the giveaway but wanted to say that I am thankful for my family (including puppies of course!) and friends (including some of the sweetest blogging girlfriends ever!). And my electric blanket. Seriously I cannot believe I lived without this item for so many years. I actually use it as a mattress pad cover so it heats me from the bottom up. OMG…love that thing!

  33. I am truly thankful for a washer and dryer – can you imagine what life would be like without them? I am also thankful for people (and blogs) like this one, who offer the excitement and anticipation of winning a prize!

  34. Beautifi

    I am thankful for my peace of mind. I know, for sure that what ever I am confronted with in the future, I will be ok. PRICELSS!!!

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