Giveaway Winner & Preppy Princess Boatman Geller Giveaway

Hello-Hello, and welcome to another Thankful Thursday!

We are ever-so-excited here at the Prepatorium because we can announce the lucky winner of our first Preppy Princess Giveaway: the always witty and wonderful Momx2, who left this comment as her Giveaway entry:

“I am most grateful that in America, if you work hard, you can be successful. We’re not a hugely classist society where people can never aspire to be something more. I’m grateful to live in a country where I can say whatever I want and not worry about being jailed for it.”

So the Bungalow Scout Zip ‘n Tuck Tote is headed her way!




And because Momx2 mentioned the Great Giveaway on her blog, she also wins the secondary prize: the Madras Holly House photocards to be sent to whomever she wishes (including herself if she is so inclined!) Yippee-skippee for Momx2!

Now on to this week’s Thankful Thursday Great Giveaway, which is an outstanding collection of goodies including the following:

1) A Boatman Geller Carrie ‘n Tuck portable stationery studio in navy from the Preppy Princess….

Boatman Geller Carrie 'n Tuck

Boatman Geller Carrie

2) Along with a Carrie and Tuck refill set in Boatman Geller’s Anchor & Madras Blue combination: Carrie & Tuck refill set Carrie & Tuck refill set

3) Rounding out our nautical theme, the winner receives a complete set of Seaside Dish Towels.  These are 100% cotton, embroidered in designs showcasing an anchor, a compass and a ship’s wheel. You know you simply must have these for the boat; isn’t it your experience that Cook is always so much happier when her assistants have perky towels to dry things? (Heh-heh-heh.) Seaside Dish Towels Seaside Dish Towels


To enter all you need to do is leave a comment about a friend you are thankful for.  Just tell us a friend you are grateful to have now or perhaps had years ago, and you are entered!  We use a random number generator to select the winner.

And this week’s Bonus Prize Pack to be sent to anyone you choose, including yourself, is the delightful Laguna Beach apron in an elegant turquoise and chocolate brown color scheme. Remember, to win the Bonus Prize, post or mention the Great Preppy Giveaway on your blog or home page – it is that easy! Laguna Beach apron Laguna Beach apron

Accompanying the apron (if only because it coordinates so well) is the delightful book about one of our favorite stores, Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart.  As described by the publisher, the book tells the story of author Marjorie Hart’s summer working at Tiffany with a friend:

“… the pair, self-described as long-limbed, blue-eyed blondes, were hired at Tiffany’s—the first female floor sales pages… “

We want to mention Miss Amelia who made us think of including the book in this week’s Giveaway, a brilliant idea on her part!

Leave your comments before midnight next Wednesday, the 19th, and you are entered in the Giveaway. Let us know if you have any questions…that is why we are here!


Filed under preppy

30 responses to “Giveaway Winner & Preppy Princess Boatman Geller Giveaway

  1. Summer at Tiffany; that’s interesting…Thank you for stopping by and your very nice comment. FM is blushing!

  2. Oooh. I’m thankful for my internet friend Katie at Overflowing Brain for listening to me rant & rave. Whew.

    (And? I’m thankful for this give-away that would just go OH SO WELL with BISMOW’s nautical themed life!!)

  3. Bboss

    I’m thankful for my co-workers (yes, I did say co-workers). They make my job easy and entertaining. Of course there are only three of them, which makes things easy. But they are the best co-workers (which includes my bosses) I have ever had ( I’ve had some really crappy co-workers). So cheers to them! Hurrah!

  4. OMG – I cannot believe I WON! I never win anything! You made my day!

    I would like to send the madras photo cards to Belle in Bloom, if that’s OK. I loved her answer on what she’s grateful for in this country. Women having the right to vote simply must be celebrated!

    Can I enter the upcoming contest or does my winning preclude me from entering? If I may, I’d like to say I’m thankful for my best friend, V, who I can tell anything to without being judged. We’ve been friends for 14+ years and I adore her.

    Thanks again, HRH!

  5. Elisabeth

    What a great giveaway!! I am VERY thankful for one of my best friends -who happens to be a guy- Andrew. I quite possibly would’ve had the worst senior year of high school ever w/o him; instead, I had the BEST ever, and we’ve been close ever since. He lives in Hotlanta now (over 2 hrs away from me), but we still find ways to stay connected & see one another. I love him! (and i love the carrie & tuck almost as much! heehee)

  6. I am so thankful for my college roomate who to this day is still my best friend. A friend that is always there for you and is always honest with you no matter what. It is so nice to know you have someone you can count on unconditionally!

  7. First congrats to Momx2 🙂

    I am thankful for my friend Julie who knows when to help me, when to advise me and when I need to listen. I am in awe of how she just knows how to act in every situation 🙂

  8. I am so thankful for my friend Kim, she is the BFF/Oldersister that God forgot to give me. A little late to teach me about boys and makeup, but right on time to train me in the art of wifehood, and avoiding housework.

  9. I HAVE to win!!! 😉

    I am thankful for my friend Apoorva. She was (is) my best friend when I was in Australia. She dragged me out of my apt when I pretended to have to study, tolerated my awful dance moves, and was always up for pizza. I miss her so much and can’t wait to visit her in Australia or India (where she’s from).

  10. Deb

    I am thankful for my husband/my best friend. He may jump all over my last nerve some days, but while I have been laid off he has busted his bum to keep us comfortable and left me unafraid that we will drown in debt. Thank you my love!!

  11. jen

    Love, love, LOVE the giveaway!!!
    I have so soo many friends to be thankful for in my life. Besides my hubby, I am thankful for my friend Mel. She is encouraging, fun & REAL. Such a blessing in my life.

  12. I am so thankful for my friend Michelle. We became friends through Bunko, but our friendship really flourished when we both became pregnant at the same time. Now we hardly go a day without talking!

    What an awesome give-away!! I absolutely love aprons. They remind me of my grandmother. 🙂 I have one of hers – it’s black and white checkered with ruffles.

  13. This is an amazing giveaway you’re doing this week! I love it!! One friend who I am truly grateful for is Erin. We became best friends when we joined our sorority together in college and have been best friends since then. She has been there for me in good times and in bad, encouraging me when things were tough and being by my side when I most needed her. We have had some amazing times together and some times that I wish I could forget haha. But overall, she has been the most amazing friend I could ask for. We are roommates now, which has proven to be an interesting experience, but I love her nonetheless.

  14. Sarah Blake

    I’m thankful for my best friend Sarah of 10 years! She’s always been there for me, no matter what!

  15. I am thankful for my friend Getchen. We live a million miles away, she summers in Europe and Winter in Aspen (It sounds so romantic, but she works three jobs in Aspen to do it), I live in Texas, but I always feel so close to her. We may go weeks, or months (when she’s in Europe) without talking, but when we do talk it’s like there was no gap.

    She’s the first friend of my life who will drop anything to be there for me, whether my car is snowed in under feet and feet of snow (we met in New York three years ago), or I desperately need to know how to make a pie crust. She is my speed-dial reference. In my young adult life Gretchen has taught me how to be a friend to other women. We are never afraid to tell each other the honest truth (yes Prepster you do look fat in those pants, and no Grettie he is really not that into you), but at the end of the day we know that everything we say is meant only for the enrichment of the other.

    A friendship between two women, free of gossip and jealousy is a rare gem indeed.

  16. Great giveaway! I’m thankful for my friend Noreen. She was my closest friend in high school and through college and then went through some difficult personal times. She pushed all of her friends out of her life and we lost touch for a long time. She recently contacted me, and it is as if those years had never happened. I’m grateful to have her back in my life!

  17. Elaine R

    I am thankful for having my friend Linda in my life. We have stayed friends through growing up then marriages,children and sickness-my love for her is unconditional.

  18. I’m thankful for my friend and now boyfriend Luis. We’ve been friends for over a decade and he’s always come through from me, through the good times and the bad and not in a weird eventually-we’ll-hook-up kind of way. He’s been a true friend, through and through without any other agendas to cloud his vision. He’s honest, hard-working, sincere and a genuine good guy. I feel lucky to have him as a boyfriend and honored to know him as a friend.

    *cue inspiring music*

  19. I am so thankful for my best friend. That girl and I can go weeks without talking and then – BOOM! – text message city or an 87 minute phone call or a weekend together and it’s like there is no time lost. She and I have 47,000 inside jokes and we’ve shared many a crazy night in college… including one where we were literally rolling around our living room floor because we were laughing so hard. I love that girl.

  20. I am most thankful for my support network. This is not just one person- but a collection of people, experiences and feelings.

    It’s being thankful for that person who asks if you want a cup of coffee with a smile when you’re having a crappy day at work.

    It’s when your mom sends you a text message and signs it “love mom” even though you have explained to her that you already know it’s from her.

    It’s when a stranger strikes up a conversation with you while standing in line waiting for your starbucks.

    It’s finding a great sale when you weren’t expecting it. And finding something extra for someone special in your life and being so excited to give it to them.

    It’s a great floor salesperson who goes out of his/her way to show you great stuff in the store (and even on sale!)

    So, what I’m thankful for are all of these people and the things they do that keep me sane 🙂

  21. amh

    I am most thankful for my mom; she is truly my best friend. No matter what is happening in either of our lives, she is the one person I know that I can count on to be there for me 100%. There is no better friend than your mother!

  22. Here I am, entering! I am grateful for so many friends today, but will single out my BF-Em in particular for the little deposit of joy she left in my inbox this morning. I call her “Sunshine” for her uncanny ability to bring a smile to my cold-hearted, crotchety countenance at all times.

  23. I am also thankful for my mother, who is not only a great friend but a good sounding board to put me back in my place!

  24. I am thankful for my job. Even though I dislike just about every part of it, it gives me the chance to interact with young people, pay my rent and keep health insurance.

    Additionally, I’m thankful for friends, internet and otherwise, who stand by me, even, or rather especially, when I’m falling apart.

  25. Amelia

    I am thankful for so many of my friends, but prob the one that I am the most thankful for right now is Amber. While we live in different states, we talk frequently, and if we go a week or so without talking, when we reconnect it is like we haven’t missed a beat (although her fiance can’t understand what we could possibly talk about for so long). I think friendships like ours are hard to come by, and I hope that in the coming year as we plan her wedding (I am a MOH), we will get even closer!

  26. Im thankful for my best friend, Barbara. We were college roommates and here we are, 10 years later, still best friends. She is a source of encouragement, laughter, truth and constant companionship. She has really shown me what it is to be a friend, what it is to work through problems, and what it is to be me. I love her so much and Im so thankful that God gave her to me as a friend and confidant, but mostly as a sister.

  27. I am thankful for my friend Kate. She has been a friend of mine for over 5 years now and I swear the girl can read my mind. Sometimes, I think she knows me better than I know myself.

    It’s really great to have a friend like that and I am glad that Kate is in my life!


  28. I am grateful for my friend Skipp. He is the most amazing person I have ever met and makes me strive to be a better person every day. I don’t know if he counts as a “friend” since we are getting married (TEE HEE HEE) but he is without question the sweetest, kindest, most generous and loving individual I have EVER come across.

    Great giveaway!!!!!


  29. i’m thankful for my pal Liz. Her and i have had a rough friendship but we’ve always come out on top She’s the one friend i know i could call at 2am upset and she’d listen to me. She’s smart, gives great advice and listens quite well (including me drunk at 11pm on a sunday ranting on about crazy dreams i was having about an ex in the bathroom during the sunday night football game she was dying to watch.

    Awesome giveaway!

  30. Pingback: Around the Blogosphere | Life in Pink

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